Saturday, November 10, 2018

Rekam Jejak Gelar Kamu(Update untuk mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka)

Saya mendapatkan feedback dari beberapa teman terkait bagaimana cara melakukan pemeriksaan status kelulusan mereka yang mengambil kuliah di universitas terbuka? Oleh karena itu saya melakukan update panduan cara melakukan pemeriksaan di situs DIKTI.
1. Silahkan menuju ke shortcut link ini

2. Isikan secara seksama:

- Untuk yang universitas terbuka silahkan pilih" 001031   Universitas Terbuka" (tunggu sampai pop up nama kampus anda muncul)

-Masukan nama siapa saja yang ingin dilacak.

- isi angka verifikasi anti bot sistem lalu lanjut tombol "cari mahasiswa"

3. Apabila nama ditemukan, silahkan di click nama tersebut & anda akan diarahkan ke tabel yang menunjukkan informasi masuk tahun ajaran berapa? Status kelulusan? Jurusan yang dipelajari.

Terlampir panduannya,  tidak ada perubahan cara melakukan pencarian, hanya pemilihan kampus untuk universitas terbuka. Semoga bermanfaat. 
Bagi yang mengalami kendala, tinggalkan pesan atau kontak email saya di 

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Pengalaman Nonton Cinema Bioskop dari rumah aja(Online Movie at home only Lahhh...)

Taken from docven

Jadi apa intinya dari tulisan blogger saya kali ini? saya saja bingung mau mendefinisikan inti tulisan kali ini, soalnya this is the lowest part of writing/ ini adalah level tujuan menulis terendah dari seorang penulis... Apa itu? for having fun!!!

What's the point of this current writing purpose? it's nothing...this is the lowest  part of writing purpose. Because it's only for having fun, dude!!!

Saya akan berbagi aktivitas saya saat membunuh waktu luang saya di rumah, ya dengan cara menulis dan saat jenuh melanda maka benda yang paling pertama saya ingat adalah HP... Salah satu jenis situs yang saya kunjungi adalah nonton film-film yang sedang booming di bioskop ataupun film-film yang memang saya minati dari dulu seperti Upin-Ipin, Hotel Transylvania.. Sayangnya....Tuh situs penuh iklan..hahahaha.

I will share you bravely about my activity during my killing time purpose. Writing a topic for enhancing my capability in that kind of world or when i feel stuck in mining the idea for writing then i will take my smartphone and start to watch some websites who provide online movie and no charge at all. But there is free in this world, i have seen many ads flying around.  I like watching Upin-Ipin, Hotel Transylvania and many more especially the cartoon movie and they have provided me with those movies which i like so much for watching. 

These are the websites for killing my leisure time...but don't open it, too many ads lol
(Just Press the words)
Jadi ini nihh...situs-situs yang sering saya kunjungi buat mengisi waktu luang saya, gak usah dikunjungi banyak iklannya..
(linknya sudah dimasukan ke dalam semua kalimat)

Happy killing time dude

Thursday, November 1, 2018

5 Applications for the Foreigner while you are in Jakarta

Jakarta - 2018

As the capital city of Indonesia which has 6,392 square kilometers ( Source Wikipedia, October 2018) Jakarta  hosted a  population of 5,230,299,915 (data Jakarta, 2017) and become one of the largest population in Indonesia(Kemendagri, 2015)

traffic situation_kaskus 2018

The major challenges of this capital city are rapid urban growth,  pollution, heavy traffic, poverty and flood.  As what proverb stated “ caught between a rock and a hard place “ or here in Indonesia we called as “ Makan si buah Malakama “ the visitors have no choice to take “ if “ they are to stay in Jakarta or to visit Jakarta for several purposes such as business trip, family gathering or passing by for the next island destination such as Bali, Flores, Papua, ETC...

The writer believes that for the first comer that has never been visited or stayed at Jakarta then
Go googling about Jakarta
 he or she needs to learn or to recognize about  how you live in this capital city, how you interact with the people, the best destination to  visit or many more.   The most important thing is we must try harder to find a lot of information about Jakarta by reading  many trusted articles or suggestion from the expatriate person who live in Jakarta; but the first thing and the easiest way to learn is through simple technology called a mobile phone.

I suggest you to do the same thing as  you always do for getting information from your mobile phone because your mobile phone is the strong bridge to scratch a lot of information and  as same as stated about  how important the technology itself for our life. 

“Technology includes the use of materials, tools, techniques, and sources of power to make life easier or more pleasant and work more productive. Whereas science is concerned with how and why things happen, technology focuses on making things happen.”

Following the suggestions above, herewith there are 5 applications that you need to install while you are living in Jakarta. 
1.       Google Maps
2.    Google Translate
3.       TransJakarta Busway Navigation
4.     Gojek
5.     Traveloka

These are several information compiled for providing you the strength VS weakness and 
any other information that might help you to understand.

1. Google Maps
Google Maps View

1.To guide your way from one place to your destination place
2.To determine any spot location that you plan to go by reading and viewing comment and star from other google local guide.
Strong & Weakness
 Strong :
  1   50 M local guide day by day provide new location, revision and feedback for locations in google maps.
  2.    Bilingual language supported for  reaching the destination
 1.  Several unprofessional google local guide sets the incorrect  GPS map spot.
 2.     Non  Crowd sourcing, there will be non quick information  sharing by other local guide. Example: No information for any closing moment while you are entering  a small corridor.
§  Download Link : Click Here
§  Guideline: how to use , video 

2.  Google Translate
Google Translation View

1.To make you easier while speaking with local people.
2.To enhance your study in learning the local language.
Strong &Weakness
Strong :
1. 5 ways to communicate (Writing Text, Writing ,Hand Writing, Speaking 1 Way, Speaking 2 Ways, Camera)
 2. language understandable vice versa.

Weakness :
1.  Must have internet access (available only for Writing Text & Camera)
2. Only 1 microphone application from Android basic used, the application will not work if you are using other application with microphone functional too at the same time . Example: While using Google translate, you are recording the conversation.
§  Download Link : Click Here

§  Guideline: how to use , video 

3.    Trafi

Trafi Application View

1.To spot the nearest .Trans Jakarta Bus Station, local mini bus,  KRL(Commuter Line)
2.To provide Time Schedule departure and arrival and how to find the nearest public station to ride.  

Strong &Weakness
Strong :
1. Very relevant location for the nearest station
 2. The estimate price listed

Weakness :
1.   Available only at Jakarta 
 2. View TransJakarta bus station not listed
3. Not available for ticket purchase
§  Download Link : Click Here

§  Guideline: how to use(NA) , video 

4.   Gojek

1.For online transportation.
2. Food delivery, logistics, payment, and daily services(Top Up phone balance, House Cleaner, Home Shopping, Cinema Ticket, Medicine )

Strong &Weakness
Strong :
1. Safer online transportation
 2.Online application for several needs and payment can be flexible through COD or using your GOJEK(GOPAY) balance. 

Weakness :
1.   Several drivers with unprofessional  attitude( contact your private number, mocking a cancelled order)
 2. Sometimes show position of driver inaccurately
§  Download Link : Click Here
§  Guideline: how to use , video 

5.    Traveloka

Traveloka Booking View

1.To provide various schedule,  transportation, hotels, ticket order.
2.To provide you information guide before issuing your holiday destination  

Strong &Weakness
Strong :
1. Flight price alert, easy reschedule, several promos may occur, 
 2.Various  flights options to choose with its schedules. 

Weakness :
1.   01.30 AM to  21.00 PM are the limit time for transfer method payment
 2. Several destinations not available to book( especially with bus) 
§  Download Link : Click Here
§  Guideline: how to use , video 

These are the five applications that you need during your travel to Jakarta or to stay at Jakarta. I hope these explanations may help you a lot. Should you have any inquiry please feel free to give your feedback on comment area below.