Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Unblock Website

Pict by Google
Are you tired of watching  a blocking notification from IT or your cellular operator when you want to browse a restricted site?hmm. The first thing you need to consider that what you are trying to do is against the regulation,are you?

There might be a lot of personal reason or clarification from you but that depends on you to insist why you need to access that restricted site.

I will share you a proxy site which you can use it to open all blocked websites. Please use this site with your own risk. 

The proxy site that is suggested  is ini this link

After you click the link above than you don't have to register or log in for administration procedure. 
You only type the target website's address on "enter url" then continue it by pressing "Go" 

Congrats!! No barrier anymore...

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Mau Google? Siapkan Rp. 600,000

Hoax atau Fakta? Yang Pasti Google Mengancam

“ Google Berbayar Terhitung Dari Tanggal 29 Oktober 18”, tampilan tajuk berita dari salah satu stasiun telivisi  ternama di Indonesia sempat membuat saya terhenyak  “ Tamatlah sudah.”  Namun saya tidak berhenti disitu dan berusaha mencari tahu apa alasan kuat  channel TV  menggunakan tajuk yang sepertinya  “Hoax” semata dan dalam pencarian saya di dunia maya dengan mengendarai “ Mbah Google”, saya akhirnya yakin  90 %  memang 
benar bahwa Google akan mengenakan biaya bagi para Pengguna jasa mereka di android mobile phone ataupun tablet. 

Kendatipun kita paham benar bahwa android sendiri merupakan platform open source( gratis alias tidak dipungut biaya) Gertakan tersebut diamini oleh beberapa sumber informasi  yang saya lansir dari blog google sendiri dimana  Pinchai( Google CEO) beserta partner platform smartphone atau tablet android tengah berdiskusi dan sepakat untuk tidak melakukan penginstalan segala aplikasi yang berbau google di smartphone berbasis android lagi.  

 “ Para Produsen smartphone tidak perlu menyertakan aplikasi layanan dari kami(Dibaca Google); mereka bisa menggunakan sistem pre-instal( bundling) sepaket dengan handphone dan mereka(produsen smartphone) bebas melakukan modifikasi sistem android”  ujar Pinchai.

Price Tag Paket Google Cuma Rp. 600,000

Hiroshi Lockheimer(Senior Wakil President, Platforms& Ecosystem) di dalam blog google juga menyampaikan  keseriusan mereka bahwa kesepakatant( MoUbundle produk Google) dengan para mitra developer pengembangan google android akan dimulai tanggal 29 Oktober 2018.

Artinya, terhitung dari tanggal 29 Oktober 2018, semua smartphone  tidak akan ditemukan lagi seluruh bawaan Google seperti Google Search, Google Maps, Youtube dan masih banyak lainnya disinyalir seharga US$ 40  atau setara Rp. 600,000 bagi mereka yang mau menggunakan.   

Yang Makan Nangka Google, Konsumen yang Kena Getahnya

Mungkin itu pepatah yang paling relevan untuk saya kutip dipembahasan saya terkait apa alasan Google akan melakukan penagihan bagi semua konsumen google?
Seperti yang dilansir oleh VOA pada bulan Juni 2017, Regulator Eropa mendenda Google  dengan nominal 2,42 miliar Europa( 37 triliun) karena terbukti secara sah melakukan monapoli pasar mesin pencari online sehingga mematikan peluang bersaing dari kompotiter produsen pemilik mesin pencari  seperti  2NYAHOO, MSN, BING, dll.

Selain itu Komisi Eropa menghukum Google karena tidak adil merekomondasikan sendiri toko online yang dia miliki dalam setiap mesin pencariannya. Sehingga tidak ada kesempatan bagi para konsumen belanja online bisa mengakses toko online selain toko Google saja.

Disinyalir untuk menutupi kerugian yang diterima oleh Google karena denda yang diterima dan selain itu demi mematuhi peraturan Komisi Eropa, akhirnya Google menaruh label harga diseluruh aplikasi yang berlabel Google seperti youtube,Google Search, Google Maps dan Google Play Store. Google Mail . 

Dampak Terhadap Indonesia

Samsung Asia secara resmi menyatakan tidak ada Google Search atau Chrome di smartphone keluaran negara yang terkenal dengan ginsengnya terhitung dari tanggal 29 Oktober 2018 dan kendatipun larangan ini hanya berlaku di benua Eropa namun dampak pemasangan label buat Google disemua aplikasi dia akan mengancam  ekosistem android sendiri karena harus kita ketahui bahwa selama ini Google melalui aplikasi play storenya telah mendukung perkembangan ekosistem di negara kita seperti aplikasi transportasi online ataupun pembelian tiket maupun pemesanan hotel dari aplikasi-aplikasi yang bisa diunduh di play store.  

Saturday, October 20, 2018


Hello Readers, today i will show you simple tips about how you can convert your picture from JPG to PDF.  

Actually this is another part of my first writing entitle Free Online Application to Merge your PDF. There are a lot of online websites offering you to convert or to merge your documents with free of charge, but mostly they will set the limit and when you reach the limit for trying their application then you need to buy for using their services. As i told you previously that, today i will share you tips on how to convert your JGP and here’s the tips:

1. Prepare the targeted pictures

2. Go to website ( just click the hyperlink) 

3. Continue your step by clicking the triple bar (≡ ) Move cursor to “ CONVERT  TO PDF and choose JPG to PDF

4. Press : “  ESCOLHER ARQUIVO” and you will directed to your  own folder  and find the JPG which you need to convert them.  Have you reached your JPG file? Continue it by selecting  “OPEN”

PLEASE WAIT the converting process until 100 %  

5. As soon as the application has reached 100 % then you are offered to download or to let the website sends the file through email. 
Don’t get confused; just choose VIEW & DOWNLOAD IN BROWSER. 

The download process  begins and after 100 % download process, go check your download folder at your device. 

6. Open the Converted PDF( previous was JPG)Continue your action with CLICK the COPY RIGHT on your mouse – SAVE AS  to save at the folder that you want to save the converted file.

I hope the tips above will help you to continue the progress career that you have built.. Good Luck!!

Please leave your comment for any question


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Rekam Jejak Gelar Kamu

3 Langkah Panduan sederhana  Memeriksa Keabsahan gelar sarjana anda dapat diperiksa di situs"Ristek Dikti".  Mari kita perhatikan baik-baik panduan di bawah ini.
1. Silahkan menuju ke shortcut link ini
2. Isikan secara seksama:
- nama perguruan tinggi (tunggu sampai pop up nama kampus anda muncul)
-Masukan nama siapa saja yang ingin dilacak.
- isi angka verifikasi anti bot sistem lalu lanjut tombol "cari mahasiswa"
3. Apabila nama ditemukan, silahkan di click nama tersebut & anda akan diarahkan ke tabel yang menunjukkan informasi masuk tahun ajaran berapa? Status kelulusan? Jurusan yang dipelajari?
Terlampir screenshot panduannya

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Free Online Application to Merge your PDF

Sometimes when we work with an unsupported laptop or mobile phone and we know that there is a possibility a limit access to do.   
Something that looks urgent to solve. It can annoy us a lot, doesn’t it?

I have had several challenges in working with some demands in attaching several PDF documents, and as far as i knew that these could be done when we use a scanner. I was wrong yesterday. The fact is there are a lot of PDF merge online webs to support your needs.

I prefer to share you a website called  PDF Because this online website has several advantages to work out with all your needs. You may learn by yourself on this website; as I mentioned you previously that I will share you only several steps to merge your PDF
These are the steps:

1. Prepare your PDFs that you need to merge.

2. Go surfing this link ðŸ‘ˆ
3. Select the sub menu “CHOOSE FILE” and there will be an open communication to surf a folder which you put the PDF file to be merged. 

Continue it by selecting the pdf file and after you select the file then you will be directed to the main menu and please check that your chosen file is mentioned inside the small Column near the sub menu “choose file”

4. Continue with the same way as the third step above (choose file- surf the folder- choose the 2nd target PDF- check inside the small column) you may have an opportunity to do many pdf files to merge. Just press the green sub menu “MORE FILES”

5. When the two PDFs already been uploaded, press the “MERGE FILE” and let the merged process begins. 

6. You will be shown the pop menu, how will you choose with the saving process, just choose the
option “VIEW AND DOWNLOAD IN BROWSER”. Then you will be directed to view the result...Holla!!!! We have merged the PDFs. Continue with saving process as usual, press copy right on your menu and choose save as and you are free to put in which part of folders you want to.

Write me your comment if you need to ask more. Happy to use the free online website!!!